Monday, May 17, 2010

Eco-Love List

After clocking an absurd amount of hours trying to learn about being more eco-friendly and planning Green events, I've found tons of website ya'll need to have. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a "tree-hugger", I'm completely guilty of leaving my fan on at night while sleeping under my warm comforter, but my eyes are being opened. Each of these websites listed here aren't just full of crucial info, they are inspiring and full of creativity.

So here it is,without further rambling from me, the Official Epically Eco-Love List. Check them all out, added them to your favorites,forward them to your friends..they're that darn good.

Epically Eco-Love List
The Green Girls They have tons of green tips on everything from makeup to business to recipes. Plus relationship advice and celebrity goodies.

Deals Go Green What's better than a site that is full of awesome deals that save our planet as well as your wallets?!

Eco-Beautiful Weddings I almost feel like the name of the blog says it all..but then I'd be totally understating what they have to offer. This blog is like my Go Green Bible. There's no end to the eco-creativity. Love them!

Recycled Bride An entire website dedicated to recycling wedding items. It's a free marketplace set up so brides and brides-to-be can take advantage of left over decorations and recycled wedding dresses. Seriously, check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Green Your DecorJennae Petersen, the founder of GYD, is truly a woman after my own heart. She admits that she is no "Green giant" but has really tackled the world of eco-decor!

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